Captioning for Medical School Classes
Fast, Accurate, Reliable Captioning

Which Students Need These Services?
With the advent of the Americans with Disabilities Act almost 30 years ago, students with hearing loss have received proper accommodation all throughout their grade school, high school, and undergraduate years. A growing number of people who were formerly excluded from graduate and professional schools (medical school, dental school, veterinary school, etc.) are now ready and able to shoot for the stars. These students need and deserve captioners who are specially trained and experienced in these fields.

How Does It Work?
The stenographer listens in to classroom lectures and turns the audio into correctly spelled and punctuated text in fractions of a second! The captions are then streamed to a secure online portal which customers can read using the web browser of their computer, phone, or tablet. Using internet streaming technology, participants can read captions on their laptop, tablet, or mobile device from wherever they are!

Why White Coat Captioning?
We have built a solid reputation for excellence. We have years and years of day-in-and-day-out experience in captioning medical, veterinary, and dental school classes. Some of us have been through medical school three and four and five times already. Many of the students we have served, and their faculty, have jokingly suggested we ought to be taking the medical board exams by now.
But our real talents lie in writing the words to help our medical students with hearing loss to excel and to attain their dreams of becoming doctors, pharmacists, dentists, veterinarians, nurses, veterinary technicians, and more.
That is why we have created White Coat Captioning.
Student Testimonials