Captioning for University Commencement, Special Events, and Classes
Captioning for Colleges and Universities
We offer live captioning services for commencement ceremonies at colleges and universities. We have over 10 years of experience in the academic environment and know what it takes to pull off a large event seamlessly. We can transcribe accurately in realtime at speeds over 260 words per minute. That is more than enough to keep up with even the most rapid-fire speakers!
We would be happy to discuss different options with you and provide a free estimate. We’ll help you find the solution that’s right for your event. Contact Norma at

Captioning for Commencement
Graduation, convocation, hooding ceremonies – we’ve done it all! Video capture allows you to project the speaker’s image onto a large screen as he or she is speaking, subtitles appear beneath the speaker’s image.

Captioning for Special Events
Having a renowned speaker come to your campus? Make the event more accessible with captioning.

Captioning for Medical School Classes
We have years of experience with captioning the medical sciences. We would love to hear about your project and how we can support your medical, dental, veterinary, or nursing student. We’ll make sure this process is as smooth as possible for everyone involved.